Google adsense and Bidvertiser Ads on same webpage

Google Adsense and Bidvertiser can be used on same web page.

Google Adsense is leading online advertising network.But Google Adsense has restrictive policy and minimum payout of $100.So for small websites and blogs it is good to use another advertising network along with Google Adsense with less minimum payout and higher earning potential.Bidvertiser advertising network satisfies these conditions.
Google Adsense and Bidvertiser can be used on same web page if placed accordingly as mentioned below.
To place Google Adsense ads along with Bidvertiser ads you need to follow terms and conditions imposed by Google Adsense “Google Adsense ads should not look similar to ads from other advertising networks”.Below advertising strategy satisfies the limitation as imposed by Google Adsense
  • Use text ads and link ads from Google Adsense.If you are using text ads then make the text ads size and format different from that of bidvertiser’s
  • Use Google Adsense ads for feeds of your website.
  • Use google adsense ads for Mobile if you have mobile version of your website
  • use google adsense ads for search for your website
  • Use image and pop under ads from Bidvertiser.
If you are not customizing Google Adsense ad as mentioned above then you need to follow below instructions.The image ad option of Bidvertiser will display text ad if no image ad is available for your website.Now to counter this and make text ad of Bidvertiser different from the Google Adsense ad you will need to customize the Bidvertiser ad.Customizing the Bidvertiser ad means making the background color or text color of bidvertiser ad different from that of Google Adsense ads.Customization of bidvertiser ads are very easy and option is provided by Bidvertiser.
You can now power and earn money from your website using Google Adsense and Bidvertiser ads.

1 comment:

  1. Are you trying to make cash from your websites via popup ads?
    In case you are, have you ever considered using PopCash?
